Perfect Easter Basket Ideas

Are you familiar with how the Easter basket came about? Tradition states that the Easter bunny drops off a basket overnight filled with candy, toys and gifts on the night before Easter. The story and symbol of the Easter basket actually goes back thousands of years as far as medieval times. According to European folklore, a rabbit was said to leave a basket filled with colored eggs for children and when settlers immigrated to America they brought the story with them. It was also believed in several cultures that the world was born from a cosmic egg. For Christians the egg symbolizes the empty tomb of Jesus. They would stain them red to represent the blood of Christ. When cracked open it represented his resurrection. Bundled together completed the Easter basket. The tradition of exchanging them comes from early medieval Catholics. To celebrate lent the baskets were taken to church to be blessed by a priest. Similar Easter traditions have been been passed down and are in practice today.

Most of us can say we have been part of these traditions or look back fondly on our first Easter basket as a child. So it’s no surprise that I have done the same for my son and come up with a few ideas for the perfect basket. Depending on the age and interest of your child it can be as fun, creative and educational as you like. I tend to cover several different categories to give a variety and add some traditional items as well.

If you are planning for weekends this summer at the pool, beach and water parks (like myself – we live in Florida) then I always include a new bathing suit, beach hat and shades.

Fun activities always include stuff to educate or get creative. This year since Ayden is five I got kinetic sand, bath tub/pool slime (hours of fun), water colors and a drawing pad to let my little artist explore a world full of color.

Books are always a traditional item as well as hot wheels. This years Easter book was Pete the Cat’s Big Easter Adventure, a 2020 Spring hot wheel and a Cuddle Kind doll (Wyatt the Fox).

Shop the links below:

2020 Easter Basket