Hi Friends! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my blog. My name is Stephanie but my friends call me Sunshine. I am a wife, mother, foodie, cook\baker, lover of nature, running, sunrises, Disney, traveling and adventures with my little boy. I was born in Fall River Massachusetts but moved to Jacksonville Florida with my parents when I was eight years old. I LOVE my city an am proud to call it home. 

I started blogging as a form of journaling and one day I made the decision to bring my vision to life. What started as a passion for making an impact to one person a day through daily words of motivation turned into Walking On Glitter And Sunshine. Sharing kindness, love, and lifting others up is my jam. I am a lover of all things happy, colorful and radiantly positive. 

I am beyond ecstatic and excited to share every moment of our family adventures, lifestyle, family, positivity, and amazing recipes with all of you. So lace up your shoes and prepare to laugh, smile and giggle every step of the way as I share my journey will all of you.

Stephanie 🙂