Let your creativity shine with Chalkola.

Do you love art? If so, have I found the perfect art supplies to allow your creativity to shine. It’s their mission to make the world a more colorful place. Say hello to my friends at Chalkola.

Chalkola are affordable premium quality art supplies that make you live a vibrant life. They have something for everyone from beginner or professional artist that allows your inspiration to flow. From a vast variety of supplies from Watercolor brush pens, to Dot markers, Acrylic paint markers, Chalk boards and more they have developed a range of art supplies for all levels of artist.

We instantly fell in love with the Chalkola Chalkboard and 30 Chalk Markers. It’s easy to use and they have a lifetime satisfaction guarantee.

The Chalkola markers come in a fun colors from your standard white, black, red, orange, blue, purple, brown and yellow, to more unique colors like candy corn orange, pink lemonade, beetle bug green and yellow sunshine.

The markers work on chalkboards, white boards, windows, glass, ceramics and other non porous surfaces. They are child safe, water-based, non toxic, washes from clothes, low oder, acid free, xylene-free, quick dry and long lasting. They also have a blog on there website to help with daily art challenges at home, from creating art with your kids, to using acrylic paint on denim, and ideas to inspire your inner artist.

Want to learn more check out website below:


Shop now and use promo code: StephanieB10 for 10% or if shopping on Amazon use Chalkola10.

To celebrate July 4th we decided to design the board for the birth of American Independence as its one of our favorite holidays of the year.
We had a lot of fun creating our chalk board and you will too!