Fun craft that also makes a great gift.

A great craft to do and engage creativity with kids is to paint a water, wine or coffee mug. We recently did this at home on a rainy weekend and gave them out as gifts to our loved one’s. Supplies are fairly cheap and can be purchased at your local craft store or dollar store.

Supplies you will need:

  • Clear glasses or mugs
  • Alcohol wipes, rubbing or white vinegar
  • Paint Brushes
  • Paper towels, palettes, pencil erasers etc
  • Americana Gloss Enamel Paint Pots (Shopping link below)

The best paints are non- porous acrylic enamels. But any at your local craft store will do for this project. First wash your glasses and let dry, rub alcohol or vinegar on the surface to ensure totally clean and let dry.

Secondly paint, use whatever brushes or techniques you choose, if you mess up just remove with a paper towel or Q-Tip. Once you are completed with your creation let it sit.

You have two options here –

  • You can either let it sit for 21 days to settle and harden OR
  • Place your pieces of art in a cold oven, turn it on to 350 degrees for 30 minutes, turn off oven and open the door. Let the glasses cool completely before removing.

With so many different patterns, variations and versions of artistic expression you can make some beautiful glasses to give away with a bottle of wine this holiday season.